Monday, September 12, 2016

Good reads

Hi friends,
I'm assuming life is as busy for y'all as it is for me, since none of us has been posting. I haven't had much time to read, and less time to write about what I've read. And, let's face it, I would rather read than write any day. I do however want to share some fun reads. But, due to lack of time you don't even get a mini review. You get a list. These are the reads I've recently enjoyed. Have you read them? What did you think?

The Selection Series by Kiera Cass

Off The Page / Between The Lines by Jodi Picoult and Samantha van Leer

Echo by Pam Munoz Ryan

My Lady Jane by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashtin, and Jodi Meadows


  1. I haven't read most of these, but I DID read the selection series. I enjoyed it, but I got REALLY irritated at the angst that went on during that book. It was also an interesting mix of the Hunger games, the bachelor, and a fairy tale. Did you read the whole series, including the two books about their daughter? I only read the original trilogy, and have been trying to decide whether to continue or not.

    I think I have heard of "My Lady Jane" before. I will have to look these up and see if I can find them for cheap on my kindle, or at the library! I am a sucker for good books AND good deals... :)

  2. I did have the Selection Series on my wishlist of books to read (but it still has hundreds of holds at the library :) So I haven't read it yet). I am assuming though that I would have trouble with the books about their daughter... I am not a huge fan of continuing stories. I will definitely give the original trilogy a try though!

    I haven't even heard of the other books - I will have to check them out! :)
