Friday, November 6, 2015

Books That Have Encouraged Me to Learn Something New

So I haven't posted on here before, but I've been thinking of a lot of different things I've read lately and how they have influenced me. I thought it might be worth sharing. Before I get into that I just want to add that I have been following and have really enjoyed what others have said. Many books talked about are books now on my list to read or books I have read and enjoyed. So thanks.

The older I get the more I have learned that I am actually not that picky of a reader. It is rare that I find I book I truly cannot get through. I am just too much of a sucker for stories. That being said I recognize that some books I read are far better than others. Some books are great for a one time read, some are books that I finished mostly just to see if the end was okay, and some books are fun when I really just need something simple and easy to enjoy. But every so often I run across a gem of a book that really gets to me. It either makes me think about life and the world and my view of it, or it makes me want to run straight to my library's non-fiction section and start studying something new. Today I am focusing on the ones that make me want to learn something new.

1) Miss Burton Unmasks a Prince by Jennifer Moore
This is a regency romance novel that takes place during the Napoleonic Wars. Our main character is Miss Margaret (Meg) Burton who hails from the Carolinas but is sent to London to try to marry a rich man to save her family from financial disaster. Meg truly is a character. She is all spunk and is not your typical timid regency woman. She is very opinionated which often times lands her in some trouble. She also had unique talents and hobbies. She loves to ride and not ride sidesaddle either. She is absolutely fascinated with gothic novels and poetry of all sorts. She loves giving recitations and is not musically inclined in the slightest. She is a girl who just wants to find an adventure or mystery. I loved her. And I loved this book, but what I really wanted to do after I finished it was go find myself a book of classical poetry. I loved the bits of poetry in this book and I loved Megs knowledge and love for it which you could just feel seeping into you was well. So I guess a few poetry books need to go on my reading list. It can't hurt right?

2) The Paper Magician Trilogy by Charlie N Holmberg
So Darcy just did a mini review on this one and while I do agree with what she said I have to disagree with only liking the book. I fell in love with the series. I found myself pulled in by the world and characters. And yes, halfway through the book I would pause and say to myself "What has really happened so far? Not much? Oh... well okay." However because I was so lost in those chapters I didn't mind. I agree too with Darcy that paper magic is awesome! And now I just really want to learn how to do origami and paper crafting. I know my creations won't spring to life or anything but I think it is a beautiful art form that I just might be able to figure out.

3) Okay so number 3 isn't specific to one book but I have read several different books lately that have characters who are bilingual or of different nationalities and cultures. These books manage to use just a few words and phrases from those languages that just make me want to learn as many languages as I can. And I also think I want to be an anthropologist now. I just want to learn about people and cultures across the world and across time. I find them fascinating.

I am a learner. I absolutely love learning so if I find a book that makes me want to do just that I consider it a great read. Let's talk. What books have inspired you to learn something new?